4GS rods utilise new Supplex carbon technology. The 3G and 4G predecessors were a huge success and many thought it would be impossible to improve on such excellent rods, but with the use of Supplex carbon Middy have been able to make the tip action of the 4GS range slightly softer without losing any of the immense power in the butt. The slightly softer tip means you can land carp even quicker while knowing you have the strength in the butt to land carp into double-figures. As soon as you pick up a 4GS rod you can tell that the balance and action are both even better than before. With three waggler and five feeder rods in the 4GS range, all with super slim blanks and top-quality fittings, Middy are renowned for their rods and are constantly setting the standard for other rod makers to try and follow. The previous 4G range was primarily targeted at commercial based anglers and, although there was a 390 13ft waggler for those wanting a longer more traditional action rod, there was never a three-piece 12ft (3.6m) feeder rod. With the advent of Supplex technology Middy can now create the perfect all-round feeder rod. The 4GS 360 can be used on lakes, gravel pits and rivers with a capacity of up to 80g/3oz feeders. The action is perfect for picking up bream and roach at distance and not too strong as to lip-pull on fish. There is, though, lots of power in the rod, so if you did hit into a barbel when on the river you would have a very good chance of landing it. You could also this rod on the bigger commercial lakes with open-water as it will relatively easily control carp into double figures! Features include a slim cork handle, soft-touch EVA grip, ergonomic lock-down reel seat, hook retainer and S.I.C. feather-lite gunsmoke guides. Mainline: 10lb, Hooklength: 6lb, Casting Weight: 20-80g. Supplied with the rod are three carbon quivers, rated to approximately 1oz, 2oz and 3oz.